>NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place. You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line). This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers. Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also, if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins. >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place. You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line). This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers. Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also, if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins. >NAME >VALUE This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place. You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line). This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers. Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also, if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins. >NAME >VALUE This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place. You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line). This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers. Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also, if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins. >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place. You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line). This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers. Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also, if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins. >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >VALUE >VALUE >NAME >VALUE MOSI RESET SCK MISO +5 GND >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>AVR ISP 6 Pin</b> This is the reduced ISP connector for AVR programming. Common on Arduino. This footprint will take up less PCB space and can be used with a 10-pin to 6-pin adapter such as SKU: BOB-08508 <b>Header 3</b> Standard 3-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08232 with associated crimp pins and housings. <b>Header 6</b> Standard 6-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08094 with associated crimp pins and housings. NOTES ON THE VARIANTS LOCK and LOCK_LONGPADS... This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e. 6-pin header) while soldering it into place. You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line). This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes. Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" to hold the component in place. 0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers. Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice. Also, if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side. This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints. It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins. <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Source: <a href="http://www.bourns.com/pdfs/3296.pdf"> Data sheet </a> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> 0,1W 25% >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> MEGGIT >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> MEGGIT >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> 0,25W, 20%<br> Source: <a href="http://www.bourns.com/pdfs/3314.pdf"> Data sheet</a> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> VISHAY >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> AVX >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> SMD Cermet trimmer >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Side Adjust >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Side Adjust >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Top Adjust >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> MEGGIT >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> abgedichtet nach <b>IP67</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> abgedichtet nach <b>IP67</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> VISHAY<p> abgedichtet nach <b>IP67</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> VISHAY<p> abgedichtet nach <b>IP67</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistror</b> VISHAY<p> seales container, solder immerson IP67 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistror</b> VISHAY<p> seales container, solder immerson IP67 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistror</b> VISHAY<p> seales container, solder immerson IP67 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Source: <a href="http://www.bourns.com/pdfs/3296.pdf"> Data sheet </a> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Source: <a href="http://www.bourns.com/pdfs/3296.pdf"> Data sheet </a> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Source: <a href="http://www.bourns.com/pdfs/3296.pdf"> Data sheet </a> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Top Adjust >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> Cermet MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> Cermet MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> Cermet MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> Cermet MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> Cermet MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> Cermet MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> waschfest MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> waschfest MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> Spectrol<p> waschfest MIL-R-22097 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> VISHAY<p> abgedichtet nach IP67 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> VISHAY<p> Cermet, abgedichtet nach IP67 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> VISHAY<p> Cermet, abgedichtet nach IP67 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> VISHAY<p> Cermet, abgedichtet nach IP67 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> VISHAY<p> Cermet, abgedichtet nach IP67 >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> BOURNS<p> 0,25W, 20%<br> Source: <a href="http://www.bourns.com/pdfs/3314.pdf"> Data sheet</a> >NAME >VALUE Trimm resistor BOURNS Source: Data sheet Trimm resistor BOURNS 0,1W 25% Trimm resistor MEGGIT Trimm resistor MEGGIT Trimm resistor BOURNS 0,25W, 20% Source: Data sheet Trimm resistor VISHAY Trimm resistor AVX Trimm resistor BOURNS SMD Cermet trimmer Trimm resistor BOURNS Side Adjust Trimm resistor BOURNS Side Adjust Trimm resistor BOURNS Top Adjust Trimm resistor MEGGIT Trimm resistor Spectrol abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistor Spectrol abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistor VISHAY abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistor VISHAY abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistror VISHAY seales container, solder immerson IP67 Trimm resistror VISHAY seales container, solder immerson IP67 Trimm resistror VISHAY seales container, solder immerson IP67 Trimm resistor BOURNS Source: Data sheet Trimm resistor BOURNS Source: Data sheet Trimm resistor BOURNS Source: Data sheet Trimm resistor Spectrol Trimm resistor Spectrol Trimm resistor BOURNS Top Adjust Trimm resistor BOURNS Cermet MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor Spectrol Cermet MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor Spectrol Cermet MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor Spectrol Cermet MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor Spectrol Cermet MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor Spectrol Cermet MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor BOURNS waschfest MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor Spectrol waschfest MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor BOURNS Trimm resistor BOURNS Trimm resistor Spectrol waschfest MIL-R-22097 Trimm resistor BOURNS Trimm resistor VISHAY abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistor VISHAY Cermet, abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistor VISHAY Cermet, abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistor VISHAY Cermet, abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistor VISHAY Cermet, abgedichtet nach IP67 Trimm resistor BOURNS 0,25W, 20% Source: Data sheet >NAME >VALUE <b>Trimm resistor</b> ******************************************** * Autodesk EAGLE - Spice Model File * Date: 9/25/17 * Variable resistor PIN1 ---/\/\/\/\--- PIN2 * | * PIN3 ******************************************** .subckt POT 1 2 3 R1 1 3 {val*var/100} R2 3 2 {val-val*var/100} .ends POT >DRAWING_NAME >LAST_DATE_TIME >SHEET Sheet: <b>FRAME</b><p> DIN A3, landscape with location and doc. field >VALUE >VALUE <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> >VALUE <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b><p> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b> >NAME >VALUE Source: http://www.avxcorp.com/docs/catalogs/cx5r.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b><p> Source: AVX .. aphvc.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b><p> Source: AVX .. aphvc.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>Chip RESISTOR 0402 EIA (1005 Metric)</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b><p> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b><p> Source: http://download.siliconexpert.com/pdfs/2005/02/24/Semi_Ap/2/VSH/Resistor/dcrcwfre.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>RESISTOR</b> chip<p> Source: http://www.vishay.com/docs/20008/dcrcw.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>Package 4527</b><p> Source: http://www.vishay.com/docs/31059/wsrhigh.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>CRCW1218 Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors</b><p> Source: http://www.vishay.com .. dcrcw.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS</b> UD Series 5 x 5.8 mm<p> Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>Chip Capacitor Type KEMET A / EIA 3216-18 reflow solder</b><p>KEMET S / EIA 3216-12 >NAME >VALUE <b>Chip Capacitor Type KEMET B / EIA 3528-21 reflow solder</b><p>KEMET T / EIA 3528-12 >NAME >VALUE <b>ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS</b> UD Series 10 x 10 mm<p> Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS</b> UD Series 4 x 5.8 mm<p> Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS</b> UD Series 6.3 x 5.8 mm<p> Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS</b> UD Series 6.3 x 7.7 mm<p> Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS</b> UD Series 8 x 10 mm<p> Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>DIODE</b><p> metal electrode face (MELF) >NAME >VALUE <B>DIODE</B> >NAME >VALUE <B>DIODE</B> >NAME >VALUE <b>SOD106 Reflow soldering</b> Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>DIODE</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>SOD106 Wave soldering</b> Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>SOD106A Reflow soldering</b> Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>SOD110 Wave soldering</b> Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>SOD110 Reflow soldering</b> Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>Diode</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>SOD323 Reflow soldering</b> Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>SOD323 Wave soldering</b> Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf >NAME >VALUE <b>SMA</b> CASE 403D-02<p> Source: http://www.onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/MBRA340T3-D.PDF >NAME >VALUE Chip, 1.00 X 0.50 X 0.50 mm body <p>Chip package with body size 1.00 X 0.50 X 0.50 mm</p> CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR Source: http://www.avxcorp.com/docs/catalogs/cx5r.pdf CAPACITOR Source: AVX .. aphvc.pdf CAPACITOR Source: AVX .. aphvc.pdf Chip RESISTOR 0402 EIA (1005 Metric) RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR Source: http://download.siliconexpert.com/pdfs/2005/02/24/Semi_Ap/2/VSH/Resistor/dcrcwfre.pdf RESISTOR chip Source: http://www.vishay.com/docs/20008/dcrcw.pdf Package 4527 Source: http://www.vishay.com/docs/31059/wsrhigh.pdf CRCW1218 Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors Source: http://www.vishay.com .. dcrcw.pdf ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UD Series 5 x 5.8 mm Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf Chip Capacitor Type KEMET A / EIA 3216-18 reflow solderKEMET S / EIA 3216-12 Chip Capacitor Type KEMET B / EIA 3528-21 reflow solderKEMET T / EIA 3528-12 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UD Series 10 x 10 mm Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UD Series 4 x 5.8 mm Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UD Series 6.3 x 5.8 mm Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UD Series 6.3 x 7.7 mm Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UD Series 8 x 10 mm Source: http://products.nichicon.co.jp/en/pdf/XJA043/e-ud.pdf DIODE DIODE SOD106 Reflow soldering Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf DIODE SOD106 Wave soldering Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf SOD106A Reflow soldering Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf SOD110 Wave soldering Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf SOD110 Reflow soldering Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf Diode SOD323 Reflow soldering Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf SOD323 Wave soldering Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME + >VALUE >NAME >VALUE SpiceOrder 1 SpiceOrder 2 <B>CAPACITOR</B>, European symbol <B>RESISTOR</B>, European symbol <B>POLARIZED CAPACITOR</B>, European symbol <b>DIODE</b> <b>Small Outline IC</b> >NAME >VALUE 8 pin IC, DIP package >NAME >VALUE <b>8-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package </b><p> Source: http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/data_sheets/AD8541_8542_8544.pdf >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE V+ V- Generic Dual Op Amp <b>SMALL OUTLINE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT</b><p> body 3.9 mm/JEDEC MS-012AC >NAME >VALUE <b>Dual In Line Package</b> >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE V+ V+ V- <b>Dual OTA with buffers</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Dual In Line Package</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Small Outline IC</b> >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE <b>MCP48X2</b> - dual channel, 8/10/12bit DAC, SPI interface, internal reference >VALUE >NAME <h3> IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 32TQFP </h3> <BR> <a href="http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/ATmega48A-PA-88A-PA-168A-PA-328-P-DS-DS40002061A.pdf"> Manufacturer's datasheet</a> <b>Crystals and Crystal Resonators</b><p> <author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author> <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL RESONATOR</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>CRYSTAL</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Model 406 6.0x3.5mm Low Cost Surface Mount Crystal</b><p> Source: 008-0260-0_E.pdf >NAME >VALUE CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL RESONATOR CRYSTAL CRYSTAL Model 406 6.0x3.5mm Low Cost Surface Mount Crystal Source: 008-0260-0_E.pdf >NAME >VALUE 1 2 <b>CRYSTAL</b> <b>Dual In Line Package</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>SMALL OUTLINE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT</b> >NAME >VALUE Dual In Line Package >NAME VEE GND VCC >NAME >VALUE 8-channel <b>ANALOG MULTIPLEXER</b> <b>SOT-23</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>TO 200 vertical</b> >NAME >VALUE 1 2 3 TO-236 ITT Intermetall >NAME >VALUE <b>SOT-23</b> <b>TO 200 vertical</b> >NAME >VALUE D S G >NAME >VALUE <b>N-Channel Mosfet</b> <ul> <li>2N7002E - 60V 260mA SOT23 [Digikey: 2N7002ET1GOSTR-ND] - <b>REEL</b></li> <li>BSH103 - 30V 850mA SOT23 [Digikey: 568-5013-1-ND]</li> </ul> <b>Jumpers</b><p> <author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author> <b>Solder jumper</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Solder jumper</b> >NAME >VALUE Solder jumper Solder jumper >NAME >VALUE SMD solder <b>JUMPER</b> <b>Hyper CHIPLED Hyper-Bright LED</b><p> LB Q993<br> Source: http://www.osram.convergy.de/ ... Lb_q993.pdf >NAME >VALUE >NAME cc-by-sa Output amp jhbruhn, Émilie Gillet hi@jhbruhn.de emilie.o.gillet@gmail.com Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line, which will not be processed correctly with this version. Since Version 8.2, EAGLE supports online libraries. The ids of those online libraries will not be understood (or retained) with this version. Since Version 8.3, EAGLE supports URNs for individual library assets (packages, symbols, and devices). The URNs of those assets will not be understood (or retained) with this version. Since Version 8.3, EAGLE supports the association of 3D packages with devices in libraries, schematics, and board files. Those 3D packages will not be understood (or retained) with this version. Since Version 8.4, EAGLE supports properties for SPICE simulation. Probes in schematics and SPICE mapping objects found in parts and library devices will not be understood with this version. Update EAGLE to the latest version for full support of SPICE simulation.