Add stereo mix back digital pcb and tests

This commit is contained in:
Jan-Henrik 2019-11-16 09:36:50 +01:00
parent e9368dd5a5
commit 263d363479
15 changed files with 55535 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ from collections import OrderedDict
package_remap = {
"R0603": "0603_R",
"C0603": "0603_C",
"R0402": "0402_R",
"C0402": "0402_C",
"SO08": "SOIC-8_150mil",
"SO14": "SOIC-14_150MIL"

stereo_mix/MCP4922.lbr Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
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<description>12Bit DAC, SPI interface</description>
<package name="SO-14">
<description>&lt;B&gt;Small Outline Narrow Plastic Gull Wing&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
150-mil body, package type SL</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;MCP4922&lt;/b&gt; - 12bit DAC, SPI interface
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<technology name=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
.SUBCKT MCP6001 1 2 3 4 5
* | | | | |
* | | | | Output
* | | | Negative Supply
* | | Positive Supply
* | Inverting Input
* Non-inverting Input
* Software License Agreement *
* *
* The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the *
* "Company") is intended and supplied to you, the Company's customer, for use *
* soley and exclusively on Microchip products. *
* *
* The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected *
* under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in *
* violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal *
* sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the *
* breach of the terms and conditions of this license. *
* *
* Macromodel for the MCP6001/2/4 op amp family:
* MCP6001, MCP6001R, MCP6001U, MCP6002, MCP6004
* Revision History:
* REV A: 21-Jun-02, Created model
* REV B: 16-Jul-02, Improved output stage
* REV C: 03-Jan-03, Added MCP6001
* REV D: 19-Aug-06, Added over temperature, improved output stage,
* fixed overdrive recovery time
* REV E: 27-Jul-07, Updated output impedance for better model stability w/cap load
* REV F: 09-Jul-12, Added MCP6001R, MCP6001U
* Recommendations:
* Use PSPICE (other simulators may require translation)
* For a quick, effective design, use a combination of: data sheet
* specs, bench testing, and simulations with this macromodel
* For high impedance circuits, set GMIN=100F in .OPTIONS
* Supported:
* Typical performance for temperature range (-40 to 125) degrees Celsius
* DC, AC, Transient, and Noise analyses.
* Most specs, including: offsets, DC PSRR, DC CMRR, input impedance,
* open loop gain, voltage ranges, supply current, ... , etc.
* Temperature effects for Ibias, Iquiescent, Iout short circuit
* current, Vsat on both rails, Slew Rate vs. Temp and P.S.
* Not Supported:
* Some Variation in specs vs. Power Supply Voltage
* Monte Carlo (Vos, Ib), Process variation
* Distortion (detailed non-linear behavior)
* Behavior outside normal operating region
* Input Stage
V10 3 10 -500M
R10 10 11 6.90K
R11 10 12 6.90K
C11 11 12 0.2p
C12 1 0 6.00P
E12 71 14 POLY(4) 20 0 21 0 26 0 27 0 1.00M 20.1 20.1 1 1
G12 1 0 62 0 1m
M12 11 14 15 15 NMI L=2.00U W=42.0U
M14 12 2 15 15 NMI L=2.00U W=42.0U
G14 2 0 62 0 1m
C14 2 0 6.00P
I15 15 4 50.0U
V16 16 4 -300M
GD16 16 1 TABLE {V(16,1)} ((-100,-1p)(0,0)(1m,1n)(2m,1m)(3m,1))
V13 3 13 -300M
GD13 2 13 TABLE {V(2,13)} ((-100,-1p)(0,0)(1m,1n)(2m,1m)(3m,1))
R70 1 0 20.6T
R71 2 0 20.6T
R72 1 2 20T
I80 1 2 0.5p
* Noise, PSRR, and CMRR
I20 21 20 423U
D20 20 0 DN1
D21 0 21 DN1
G26 0 26 POLY(1) 3 4 110U -49U
R26 26 0 1
G27 0 27 POLY(2) 1 0 2 0 -440U 39.7U 39.7U
R27 27 0 1
* Open Loop Gain, Slew Rate
G30 0 30 POLY(1) 12 11 0 1
R30 30 0 1K
G31 0 31 POLY(1) 3 4 86 5.25
R31 31 0 1 TC=2.8m
GD31 30 31 TABLE {V(30,31)} ((-11,-1)(-10,-10n)(0,0)(1m,1000))
G32 32 0 POLY(1) 3 4 113.7 3.5
R32 32 0 1 TC=2.65m
GD32 30 32 TABLE {V(30,32)} ((-1m,-1000)(0,0)(10,10n)(11,1))
G33 0 33 30 0 1m
R33 33 0 1k
G34 0 34 33 0 425M
R34 34 0 1K
C34 34 0 74U
G37 0 37 34 0 1m
R37 37 0 1K
C37 37 0 41.6P
G38 0 38 37 0 1m
R38 39 0 1K
L38 38 39 100U
E38 35 0 38 0 1
G35 33 0 TABLE {V(35,3)} ((-1,-1n)(0,0)(16,1n))(16.1,1))
G36 33 0 TABLE {V(35,4)} ((-16.1,-1)((-16,-1n)(0,0)(1,1n))
* Output Stage
R80 50 0 100MEG
G50 0 50 57 96 2
R58 57 96 0.50
R57 57 0 750
C58 5 0 2.00P
G57 0 57 POLY(3) 3 0 4 0 35 0 0 0.67M 0.67M 1.5M
GD55 55 57 TABLE {V(55,57)} ((-2m,-1)(-1m,-1m)(0,0)(10,1n))
GD56 57 56 TABLE {V(57,56)} ((-2m,-1)(-1m,-1m)(0,0)(10,1n))
E55 55 0 POLY(2) 3 0 51 0 -0.7m 1 -40.0M
E56 56 0 POLY(2) 4 0 52 0 1.2m 1 -37.0M
R51 51 0 1k
R52 52 0 1k
GD51 50 51 TABLE {V(50,51)} ((-10,-1n)(0,0)(1m,1m)(2m,1))
GD52 50 52 TABLE {V(50,52)} ((-2m,-1)(-1m,-1m)(0,0)(10,1n))
G53 3 0 POLY(1) 51 0 -49U 1M
G54 0 4 POLY(1) 52 0 -49U -1M
* Current Limit
G99 96 5 99 0 1
R98 0 98 1 TC=-2.8M,2.63U
G97 0 98 TABLE { V(96,5) } ((-11.0,-10.0M)(-1.00M,-9.9M)(0,0)(1.00M,9.9M)(11.0,10.0M))
E97 99 0 VALUE { V(98)*((V(3)-V(4))*359M + 310M)}
D98 4 5 DESD
D99 5 3 DESD
* Temperature / Voltage Sensitive IQuiscent
R61 0 61 100 TC 3.11M 4.51U
G61 3 4 61 0 1
G60 0 61 TABLE {V(3, 4)}
+ ((0,0)(900M,0.0106U)(1.00,0.20U)(1.3,0.63U)
+ (1.5,0.66U)(1.6,1.06U)(5.5,1.10U))
* Temp Sensitive offset voltage
I73 0 70 DC 1uA
R74 0 70 1 TC=2
E75 1 71 70 0 1
* Temp Sensistive IBias
I62 0 62 DC 1uA
R62 0 62 REXP 58.2u
* Voltage on R62 used for G12, G14 in input stage
* Models
.MODEL DESD D N=1 IS=1.00E-15
.MODEL DN1 D IS=1P KF=146E-18 AF=1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Version 4
SHEET 1 1028 680
WIRE 928 -160 832 -160
WIRE 784 -64 768 -64
WIRE 800 -64 784 -64
WIRE 832 -64 832 -160
WIRE 848 -64 832 -64
WIRE 928 -48 928 -160
WIRE 928 -48 912 -48
WIRE 688 -32 688 -64
WIRE 784 -32 784 -64
WIRE 800 -32 800 -64
WIRE 848 -32 800 -32
WIRE 304 32 272 32
WIRE 624 32 608 32
WIRE 896 128 784 128
WIRE 96 144 80 144
WIRE 176 144 176 64
WIRE 192 144 192 32
WIRE 192 144 176 144
WIRE 208 144 192 144
WIRE 304 144 304 32
WIRE 400 144 304 144
WIRE 512 144 480 144
WIRE 528 144 528 32
WIRE 528 144 512 144
WIRE 544 144 528 144
WIRE 304 160 304 144
WIRE 304 160 272 160
WIRE 624 160 624 32
WIRE 624 160 608 160
WIRE 208 176 192 176
WIRE 544 176 496 176
WIRE 784 176 784 128
WIRE 80 192 80 144
WIRE 192 192 192 176
WIRE 512 208 512 144
WIRE 512 208 496 208
WIRE 496 224 496 208
FLAG -192 208 0
FLAG -192 352 0
FLAG -80 352 0
FLAG -192 128 +5V
FLAG 240 128 +5V
FLAG -192 272 -12V
FLAG -80 272 +12V
FLAG 240 192 0
FLAG 80 272 0
FLAG -80 208 0
FLAG -80 128 -10V
FLAG 96 64 -10V
FLAG 192 192 0
FLAG 576 192 -12V
FLAG 576 128 +12V
FLAG 416 224 -10V
FLAG 496 176 0
FLAG 784 256 0
FLAG 880 -16 0
FLAG 880 -80 +5V
FLAG 832 0 0
FLAG 688 48 0
FLAG 784 48 0
SYMBOL voltage -80 256 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 12
SYMBOL voltage -192 256 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value -12
SYMBOL voltage -192 112 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMBOL voltage 80 176 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 10 20)
SYMBOL res 192 128 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 100k
SYMBOL res 288 16 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 24k
SYMBOL res 192 48 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 100k
SYMBOL voltage -80 112 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value -10
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1677 240 96 R0
SYMBOL TL072 576 96 R0
SYMBOL res 496 128 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 24k
SYMBOL res 624 16 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 100k
SYMBOL res 512 208 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 100k
SYMBOL voltage 784 160 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 5 20)
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1677 880 -112 R0
SYMBOL voltage 688 -48 R0
WINDOW 3 23 87 Left 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 10 20)
SYMBOL res 784 -80 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 100k
SYMBOL res 800 64 R180
WINDOW 0 36 76 Left 2
WINDOW 3 36 40 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 100k
TEXT -98 212 Left 2 !.tran 1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Circuit: * Z:\home\jhbruhn\eurorack\eurorack-dev-environment\eurorack-modules\stereo_mix\simulation\digital_tests.asc
WARNING: Less than two connections to node N006. This node is used by V6.
Direct Newton iteration failed to find .op point. (Use ".option noopiter" to skip.)
Starting Gmin stepping
Increasing initial diagonal Gmin to 100
Gmin = 100
vernier = 0.5
vernier = 0.25
Gmin = 34.2672
vernier = 0.125
vernier = 0.0625
vernier = 0.03125
vernier = 0.015625
Gmin = 33.0995
vernier = 0.0078125
vernier = 0.00390625
vernier = 0.00195313
Gmin = 32.9705
vernier = 0.000976563
vernier = 0.000488281
Gmin = 0
Gmin stepping failed
Starting source stepping with srcstepmethod=0
Source Step = 3.0303%
vernier = 0.25
Source Step = 0.0177557%
Source Step = 0.0473485%
Source Step = 0.0769413%
Source Step = 0.106534%
Source Step = 0.136127%
Source Step = 0.16572%
vernier = 0.00146484
Source Step = 0.208629%
Source Step = 0.253018%
Source Step = 0.297408%
Source Step = 0.341797%
Source Step = 0.386186%
vernier = 0.00219727
Source Step = 0.448331%
Source Step = 0.514915%
Source Step = 0.581499%
Source Step = 0.648082%
Source Step = 0.714666%
vernier = 0.0032959
Source Step = 0.804554%
Source Step = 0.90443%
Source Step = 1.00431%
Source Step = 1.10418%
Source Step = 1.20406%
vernier = 0.00494385
Source Step = 1.3339%
Source Step = 1.48371%
Source Step = 1.63352%
Source Step = 1.78334%
Source Step = 1.93315%
vernier = 0.00741577
Source Step = 2.12042%
Source Step = 2.34514%
Source Step = 2.56986%
Source Step = 2.79458%
Source Step = 2.96312%
Source Step = 3.0193%
Starting source stepping with srcstepmethod=1
Source Step = 3.0303%
Source Step = 7.48106%
Source stepping failed
Pseudo Transient succeeded in finding the operating point at 274.067 ms.
Heightened Def Con from 0.463185 to 0.463185
Date: Wed Nov 13 23:02:23 2019
Total elapsed time: 80.796 seconds.
tnom = 27
temp = 27
method = modified trap
totiter = 3586130
traniter = 3577585
tranpoints = 1609521
accept = 1147239
rejected = 462294
matrix size = 61
fillins = 90
solver = Normal
Thread vector: 14.0/12.0[3] 4.0/2.9[3] 4.0/2.7[3] 0.4/1.2[1] 2592/500
Matrix Compiler1: 8.46 KB object code size 2.5/1.4/[0.9]
Matrix Compiler2: 6.89 KB object code size 1.3/1.7/[0.5]

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"4";"";"JP2E";"JP2";"JP3, JP4, JP6, JP7";"JUMPER";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"34";"";
"1";"";"PINHD-1X20";"1X20";"JP1";"PIN HEADER";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"1";"";"PINHD-1X5";"1X05";"JP5";"PIN HEADER";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"69";"";
"1";"";"PINHD-1X9";"1X09";"JP2";"PIN HEADER";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"13";"";
"78";"100k";"R-EU_R0402";"R0402";"R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R22, R24, R25, R28, R29, R32, R33, R36, R37, R38, R39, R40, R41, R42, R43, R44, R45, R46, R47, R48, R49, R50, R51, R52, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61, R62, R63, R64, R70, R72, R75, R76, R77, R80, R81, R84, R85, R86, R87, R88, R89, R90, R91, R92, R94, R95, R96, R97, R98, R99, R102, R103, R104, R105";"RESISTOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"38";"100nF";"C-EUC0402";"C0402";"C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C36, C37, C38, C47, C48, C49, C50, C51";"CAPACITOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"1";"10k";"R-EU_R0402";"R0402";"R93";"RESISTOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"2";"18pF";"C-EUC0402";"C0402";"C25, C26";"CAPACITOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"2";"1N4001";"DIODESMA";"SMADIODE";"D1, D2";"Diode";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"4";"200k";"R-EU_R0402";"R0402";"R21, R23, R69, R71";"RESISTOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"18";"24k";"R-EU_R0402";"R0402";"R17, R18, R19, R20, R30, R31, R34, R35, R65, R66, R67, R68, R78, R79, R82, R83, R100, R101";"RESISTOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"4";"4.7nF";"C-EUC0402";"C0402";"C39, C40, C41, C42";"CAPACITOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"3";"402R";"R-EU_R0402";"R0402";"R106, R107, R108";"RESISTOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"4";"47uF";"CPOL-EUC";"PANASONIC_C";"C34, C35, C45, C46";"POLARIZED CAPACITOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"4";"C";
"4";"51k";"R-EU_R0402";"R0402";"R26, R27, R73, R74";"RESISTOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"2";"6.8pF";"C-EUC0402";"C0402";"C43, C44";"CAPACITOR, European symbol";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"1";"ATMEGA328P-AU";"ATMEGA328P-AU";"TQFP-32";"U13";"IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 32TQFP";"";"ATMEGA328P-AU-ND";"Microchip Technology";"";"ATMEGA328P-AU";"";"";"TQFP-32";"";"";
"1";"AVRISP-6";"AVRISP-6";"AVRISP";"ISP1";"AVR ISP HEADER";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"1";"LD117AS50TR";"LD117AS50TR";"SOT223";"IC10";"Low drop fixed and adjustable positive voltage regulators 1 A";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"0";"";
"4";"MCP4922";"MCP4922";"SO-14";"U5, U6, U11, U12";"MCP4922 - 12bit DAC, SPI interface";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"8";"MCP6002_";"MCP6002_";"SO08";"U1, U2, U3, U4, U7, U8, U9, U10";"Generic Dual Op Amp";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"1";"OSHW-LOGOS";"OSHW-LOGOS";"OSHW-LOGO-S";"LOGO1";"Open-Source Hardware (OSHW) Logo";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"2";"TEXAS_INSTRUMENTS_LM4040C10IDBZR";"TEXAS_INSTRUMENTS_LM4040C10IDBZR";"TEXAS_INSTRUMENTS_LM4040C5IDBZR_0";"U15, U16";"TI-LM4040C25DBZ3";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
"9";"TL072D";"TL072D";"SO08";"IC1, IC2, IC3, IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7, IC8, IC9";"OP AMP";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"0";"";
2 4 JP2E JP2 JP3, JP4, JP6, JP7 JUMPER 34
4 1 PINHD-1X5 1X05 JP5 PIN HEADER 69
5 1 PINHD-1X9 1X09 JP2 PIN HEADER 13
6 78 100k R-EU_R0402 R0402 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R22, R24, R25, R28, R29, R32, R33, R36, R37, R38, R39, R40, R41, R42, R43, R44, R45, R46, R47, R48, R49, R50, R51, R52, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61, R62, R63, R64, R70, R72, R75, R76, R77, R80, R81, R84, R85, R86, R87, R88, R89, R90, R91, R92, R94, R95, R96, R97, R98, R99, R102, R103, R104, R105 RESISTOR, European symbol
7 38 100nF C-EUC0402 C0402 C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C36, C37, C38, C47, C48, C49, C50, C51 CAPACITOR, European symbol
8 1 10k R-EU_R0402 R0402 R93 RESISTOR, European symbol
9 2 18pF C-EUC0402 C0402 C25, C26 CAPACITOR, European symbol
10 2 1N4001 DIODESMA SMADIODE D1, D2 Diode
11 4 200k R-EU_R0402 R0402 R21, R23, R69, R71 RESISTOR, European symbol
12 1 20MHz CRYSTALHC49UP HC49UP Q1 CRYSTAL unknown unknown 19
13 18 24k R-EU_R0402 R0402 R17, R18, R19, R20, R30, R31, R34, R35, R65, R66, R67, R68, R78, R79, R82, R83, R100, R101 RESISTOR, European symbol
14 4 4.7nF C-EUC0402 C0402 C39, C40, C41, C42 CAPACITOR, European symbol
15 3 402R R-EU_R0402 R0402 R106, R107, R108 RESISTOR, European symbol
16 4 47uF CPOL-EUC PANASONIC_C C34, C35, C45, C46 POLARIZED CAPACITOR, European symbol 4 C
17 4 51k R-EU_R0402 R0402 R26, R27, R73, R74 RESISTOR, European symbol
18 2 6.8pF C-EUC0402 C0402 C43, C44 CAPACITOR, European symbol
22 1 LD117AS50TR LD117AS50TR SOT223 IC10 Low drop fixed and adjustable positive voltage regulators 1 A 0
23 4 MCP4922 MCP4922 SO-14 U5, U6, U11, U12 MCP4922 - 12bit DAC, SPI interface
24 8 MCP6002_ MCP6002_ SO08 U1, U2, U3, U4, U7, U8, U9, U10 Generic Dual Op Amp
28 9 TL072D TL072D SO08 IC1, IC2, IC3, IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7, IC8, IC9 OP AMP 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
C1 66.04 97.79 180 100nF C0402
C2 16.51 78.74 180 100nF C0402
C3 66.04 82.55 180 100nF C0402
C4 16.51 88.90 180 100nF C0402
C5 66.04 67.31 180 100nF C0402
C6 66.04 43.18 180 100nF C0402
C7 66.04 52.07 180 100nF C0402
C8 66.04 58.42 180 100nF C0402
C9 11.43 96.52 0 100nF C0402
C10 66.04 73.66 180 100nF C0402
C11 11.43 86.36 0 100nF C0402
C12 66.04 88.90 180 100nF C0402
C13 55.88 97.79 0 100nF C0402
C14 55.88 82.55 0 100nF C0402
C15 55.88 67.31 0 100nF C0402
C16 55.88 52.07 0 100nF C0402
C17 27.94 21.59 270 100nF C0402
C18 27.94 10.16 270 100nF C0402
C19 45.72 19.05 0 100nF C0402
C20 48.26 8.89 0 100nF C0402
C21 11.43 19.05 0 100nF C0402
C22 24.13 13.97 180 100nF C0402
C23 24.13 11.43 180 100nF C0402
C24 11.43 22.86 0 100nF C0402
C25 12.70 2.54 0 18pF C0402
C26 22.86 2.54 180 18pF C0402
C27 16.51 68.58 0 100nF C0402
C28 16.51 58.42 0 100nF C0402
C29 16.51 48.26 0 100nF C0402
C30 11.43 76.20 0 100nF C0402
C31 11.43 66.04 0 100nF C0402
C32 11.43 55.88 0 100nF C0402
C34 5.08 38.10 90 47uF PANASONIC_C
C35 13.97 38.10 90 47uF PANASONIC_C
C36 52.07 2.54 0 100nF C0402
C37 45.72 2.54 0 100nF C0402
C38 39.37 2.54 0 100nF C0402
C39 39.37 8.89 180 4.7nF C0402
C40 52.07 8.89 0 4.7nF C0402
C41 39.37 19.05 180 4.7nF C0402
C42 52.07 19.05 0 4.7nF C0402
C43 21.59 71.12 0 6.8pF C0402
C44 6.35 73.66 0 6.8pF C0402
C45 5.08 3.81 0 47uF PANASONIC_C
C46 5.08 19.05 180 47uF PANASONIC_C
C47 8.89 15.24 180 100nF C0402
C48 33.02 96.52 0 100nF C0402
C49 33.02 81.28 0 100nF C0402
C50 33.02 66.04 0 100nF C0402
C51 33.02 50.80 0 100nF C0402
D1 21.59 41.91 270 1N4001 SMADIODE
D2 21.59 33.02 90 1N4001 SMADIODE
IC1 13.97 92.71 270 TL072D SO08
IC2 66.04 92.71 270 TL072D SO08
IC3 66.04 77.47 270 TL072D SO08
IC4 13.97 82.55 270 TL072D SO08
IC5 66.04 62.23 270 TL072D SO08
IC6 66.04 46.99 270 TL072D SO08
IC7 13.97 72.39 270 TL072D SO08
IC8 13.97 62.23 270 TL072D SO08
IC9 13.97 52.07 270 TL072D SO08
IC10 5.08 11.43 0 LD117AS50TR SOT223
Q1 17.78 6.35 0 20MHz HC49UP
R1 21.59 93.98 0 100k R0402
R2 21.59 91.44 0 100k R0402
R3 6.35 93.98 0 100k R0402
R4 6.35 91.44 0 100k R0402
R5 21.59 88.90 0 100k R0402
R6 6.35 88.90 180 100k R0402
R7 21.59 96.52 0 100k R0402
R8 6.35 96.52 180 100k R0402
R9 45.72 96.52 0 100k R0402
R10 45.72 93.98 0 100k R0402
R11 33.02 93.98 180 100k R0402
R12 33.02 91.44 180 100k R0402
R13 45.72 81.28 0 100k R0402
R14 45.72 78.74 0 100k R0402
R15 33.02 78.74 180 100k R0402
R16 33.02 76.20 180 100k R0402
R17 45.72 91.44 180 24k R0402
R18 33.02 88.90 0 24k R0402
R19 45.72 76.20 180 24k R0402
R20 33.02 73.66 0 24k R0402
R21 39.37 16.51 180 200k R0402
R22 39.37 13.97 180 100k R0402
R23 52.07 16.51 0 200k R0402
R24 52.07 13.97 0 100k R0402
R25 30.48 26.67 0 100k R0402
R26 39.37 11.43 180 51k R0402
R27 52.07 11.43 0 51k R0402
R28 35.56 26.67 0 100k R0402
R29 72.39 96.52 0 100k R0402
R30 72.39 93.98 0 24k R0402
R31 59.69 96.52 180 24k R0402
R32 59.69 93.98 180 100k R0402
R33 72.39 81.28 0 100k R0402
R34 72.39 78.74 0 24k R0402
R35 59.69 81.28 180 24k R0402
R36 59.69 78.74 180 100k R0402
R37 35.56 16.51 180 100k R0402
R38 72.39 91.44 180 100k R0402
R39 72.39 76.20 180 100k R0402
R40 29.21 16.51 180 100k R0402
R41 59.69 91.44 0 100k R0402
R42 59.69 76.20 0 100k R0402
R43 21.59 83.82 0 100k R0402
R44 21.59 81.28 180 100k R0402
R45 6.35 83.82 0 100k R0402
R46 6.35 81.28 0 100k R0402
R47 72.39 88.90 0 100k R0402
R48 72.39 73.66 0 100k R0402
R49 21.59 78.74 180 100k R0402
R50 6.35 78.74 180 100k R0402
R51 59.69 88.90 180 100k R0402
R52 59.69 73.66 0 100k R0402
R53 21.59 86.36 0 100k R0402
R54 6.35 86.36 180 100k R0402
R55 45.72 66.04 0 100k R0402
R56 45.72 63.50 0 100k R0402
R57 33.02 63.50 180 100k R0402
R58 33.02 60.96 180 100k R0402
R59 45.72 50.80 0 100k R0402
R60 45.72 48.26 0 100k R0402
R61 33.02 48.26 180 100k R0402
R62 33.02 45.72 180 100k R0402
R63 29.21 15.24 0 100k R0402
R64 35.56 15.24 0 100k R0402
R65 45.72 60.96 0 24k R0402
R66 33.02 58.42 0 24k R0402
R67 45.72 45.72 0 24k R0402
R68 33.02 43.18 0 24k R0402
R69 39.37 26.67 180 200k R0402
R70 39.37 24.13 180 100k R0402
R71 52.07 26.67 0 200k R0402
R72 52.07 24.13 0 100k R0402
R73 39.37 21.59 180 51k R0402
R74 52.07 21.59 0 51k R0402
R75 29.21 5.08 0 100k R0402
R76 33.02 5.08 0 100k R0402
R77 72.39 66.04 0 100k R0402
R78 72.39 63.50 0 24k R0402
R79 59.69 66.04 180 24k R0402
R80 59.69 63.50 180 100k R0402
R81 72.39 50.80 0 100k R0402
R82 72.39 48.26 0 24k R0402
R83 59.69 50.80 180 24k R0402
R84 59.69 48.26 180 100k R0402
R85 72.39 60.96 180 100k R0402
R86 72.39 45.72 180 100k R0402
R87 59.69 60.96 0 100k R0402
R88 59.69 45.72 0 100k R0402
R89 72.39 58.42 0 100k R0402
R90 72.39 43.18 0 100k R0402
R91 59.69 58.42 0 100k R0402
R92 59.69 43.18 0 100k R0402
R93 11.43 26.67 270 10k R0402
R94 2.54 64.77 180 100k R0402
R95 2.54 67.31 180 100k R0402
R96 21.59 73.66 0 100k R0402
R97 6.35 71.12 0 100k R0402
R98 21.59 63.50 180 100k R0402
R99 21.59 53.34 0 100k R0402
R100 21.59 60.96 180 24k R0402
R101 21.59 50.80 0 24k R0402
R102 6.35 63.50 0 100k R0402
R103 6.35 53.34 0 100k R0402
R104 6.35 60.96 180 100k R0402
R105 6.35 50.80 180 100k R0402
R106 52.07 3.81 0 402R R0402
R107 45.72 3.81 0 402R R0402
R108 39.37 3.81 0 402R R0402
U1 39.37 92.71 270 MCP6002_ SO08
U2 39.37 77.47 270 MCP6002_ SO08
U3 45.72 12.70 90 MCP6002_ SO08
U4 33.02 21.59 180 MCP6002_ SO08
U5 53.34 91.44 270 MCP4922 SO-14
U6 53.34 76.20 270 MCP4922 SO-14
U7 39.37 62.23 270 MCP6002_ SO08
U8 39.37 46.99 270 MCP6002_ SO08
U9 33.02 10.16 180 MCP6002_ SO08
U10 45.72 24.13 90 MCP6002_ SO08
U11 53.34 60.96 270 MCP4922 SO-14
U12 53.34 45.72 270 MCP4922 SO-14
U13 19.05 19.05 315 ATMEGA328P-AU TQFP-32

View file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"Comment","Designator","Footprint","LCSC Part #","LCSC Part Type"
"","JP3, JP4, JP6, JP7","JP2","",""
"100k","R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R22, R24, R25, R28, R29, R32, R33, R36, R37, R38, R39, R40, R41, R42, R43, R44, R45, R46, R47, R48, R49, R50, R51, R52, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61, R62, R63, R64, R70, R72, R75, R76, R77, R80, R81, R84, R85, R86, R87, R88, R89, R90, R91, R92, R94, R95, R96, R97, R98, R99, R102, R103, R104, R105","0402_R","",""
"100nF","C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C36, C37, C38, C47, C48, C49, C50, C51","0402_C","",""
"18pF","C25, C26","0402_C","",""
"1N4001","D1, D2","SMADIODE","",""
"200k","R21, R23, R69, R71","0402_R","",""
"24k","R17, R18, R19, R20, R30, R31, R34, R35, R65, R66, R67, R68, R78, R79, R82, R83, R100, R101","0402_R","",""
"4.7nF","C39, C40, C41, C42","0402_C","",""
"402R","R106, R107, R108","0402_R","",""
"47uF","C34, C35, C45, C46","PANASONIC_C","",""
"51k","R26, R27, R73, R74","0402_R","",""
"6.8pF","C43, C44","0402_C","",""
"MCP4922","U5, U6, U11, U12","SO-14","",""
"MCP6002_","U1, U2, U3, U4, U7, U8, U9, U10","SOIC-8_150mil","",""
"TL072","IC1, IC2, IC3, IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7, IC8, IC9","SOIC-8_150mil","",""
1 Comment Designator Footprint LCSC Part # LCSC Part Type
2 JP3, JP4, JP6, JP7 JP2
3 JP1 1X20
4 JP5 1X05
5 JP2 1X09
6 100k R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R22, R24, R25, R28, R29, R32, R33, R36, R37, R38, R39, R40, R41, R42, R43, R44, R45, R46, R47, R48, R49, R50, R51, R52, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61, R62, R63, R64, R70, R72, R75, R76, R77, R80, R81, R84, R85, R86, R87, R88, R89, R90, R91, R92, R94, R95, R96, R97, R98, R99, R102, R103, R104, R105 0402_R
7 100nF C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C36, C37, C38, C47, C48, C49, C50, C51 0402_C
8 10k R93 0402_R
9 18pF C25, C26 0402_C
10 1N4001 D1, D2 SMADIODE
11 200k R21, R23, R69, R71 0402_R
12 20MHz Q1 HC49UP
13 24k R17, R18, R19, R20, R30, R31, R34, R35, R65, R66, R67, R68, R78, R79, R82, R83, R100, R101 0402_R
14 4.7nF C39, C40, C41, C42 0402_C
15 402R R106, R107, R108 0402_R
16 47uF C34, C35, C45, C46 PANASONIC_C
17 51k R26, R27, R73, R74 0402_R
18 6.8pF C43, C44 0402_C
19 ATMEGA328P-AU U13 TQFP-32
22 LD117AS50TR IC10 SOT223
23 MCP4922 U5, U6, U11, U12 SO-14
24 MCP6002_ U1, U2, U3, U4, U7, U8, U9, U10 SOIC-8_150mil
28 TL072 IC1, IC2, IC3, IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7, IC8, IC9 SOIC-8_150mil

View file

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
"Designator","Mid X","Mid Y","Layer","Rotation"
1 Designator Mid X Mid Y Layer Rotation
2 C1 66.04 97.79 Bottom 180
3 C2 16.51 78.74 Bottom 180
4 C3 66.04 82.55 Bottom 180
5 C4 16.51 88.90 Bottom 180
6 C5 66.04 67.31 Bottom 180
7 C6 66.04 43.18 Bottom 180
8 C7 66.04 52.07 Bottom 180
9 C8 66.04 58.42 Bottom 180
10 C9 11.43 96.52 Bottom 0
11 C10 66.04 73.66 Bottom 180
12 C11 11.43 86.36 Bottom 0
13 C12 66.04 88.90 Bottom 180
14 C13 55.88 97.79 Bottom 0
15 C14 55.88 82.55 Bottom 0
16 C15 55.88 67.31 Bottom 0
17 C16 55.88 52.07 Bottom 0
18 C17 27.94 21.59 Bottom 270
19 C18 27.94 10.16 Bottom 270
20 C19 45.72 19.05 Bottom 0
21 C20 48.26 8.89 Bottom 0
22 C21 11.43 19.05 Bottom 0
23 C22 24.13 13.97 Bottom 180
24 C23 24.13 11.43 Bottom 180
25 C24 11.43 22.86 Bottom 0
26 C25 12.70 2.54 Bottom 0
27 C26 22.86 2.54 Bottom 180
28 C27 16.51 68.58 Bottom 0
29 C28 16.51 58.42 Bottom 0
30 C29 16.51 48.26 Bottom 0
31 C30 11.43 76.20 Bottom 0
32 C31 11.43 66.04 Bottom 0
33 C32 11.43 55.88 Bottom 0
34 C34 5.08 38.10 Bottom 90
35 C35 13.97 38.10 Bottom 90
36 C36 52.07 2.54 Bottom 0
37 C37 45.72 2.54 Bottom 0
38 C38 39.37 2.54 Bottom 0
39 C39 39.37 8.89 Bottom 180
40 C40 52.07 8.89 Bottom 0
41 C41 39.37 19.05 Bottom 180
42 C42 52.07 19.05 Bottom 0
43 C43 21.59 71.12 Bottom 0
44 C44 6.35 73.66 Bottom 0
45 C45 5.08 3.81 Bottom 0
46 C46 5.08 19.05 Bottom 180
47 C47 8.89 15.24 Bottom 180
48 C48 33.02 96.52 Bottom 0
49 C49 33.02 81.28 Bottom 0
50 C50 33.02 66.04 Bottom 0
51 C51 33.02 50.80 Bottom 0
52 D1 21.59 41.91 Bottom 270
53 D2 21.59 33.02 Bottom 90
54 IC1 13.97 92.71 Bottom 270
55 IC2 66.04 92.71 Bottom 270
56 IC3 66.04 77.47 Bottom 270
57 IC4 13.97 82.55 Bottom 270
58 IC5 66.04 62.23 Bottom 270
59 IC6 66.04 46.99 Bottom 270
60 IC7 13.97 72.39 Bottom 270
61 IC8 13.97 62.23 Bottom 270
62 IC9 13.97 52.07 Bottom 270
63 IC10 5.08 11.43 Bottom 270
64 Q1 17.78 6.35 Bottom 0
65 R1 21.59 93.98 Bottom 0
66 R2 21.59 91.44 Bottom 0
67 R3 6.35 93.98 Bottom 0
68 R4 6.35 91.44 Bottom 0
69 R5 21.59 88.90 Bottom 0
70 R6 6.35 88.90 Bottom 180
71 R7 21.59 96.52 Bottom 0
72 R8 6.35 96.52 Bottom 180
73 R9 45.72 96.52 Bottom 0
74 R10 45.72 93.98 Bottom 0
75 R11 33.02 93.98 Bottom 180
76 R12 33.02 91.44 Bottom 180
77 R13 45.72 81.28 Bottom 0
78 R14 45.72 78.74 Bottom 0
79 R15 33.02 78.74 Bottom 180
80 R16 33.02 76.20 Bottom 180
81 R17 45.72 91.44 Bottom 180
82 R18 33.02 88.90 Bottom 0
83 R19 45.72 76.20 Bottom 180
84 R20 33.02 73.66 Bottom 0
85 R21 39.37 16.51 Bottom 180
86 R22 39.37 13.97 Bottom 180
87 R23 52.07 16.51 Bottom 0
88 R24 52.07 13.97 Bottom 0
89 R25 30.48 26.67 Bottom 0
90 R26 39.37 11.43 Bottom 180
91 R27 52.07 11.43 Bottom 0
92 R28 35.56 26.67 Bottom 0
93 R29 72.39 96.52 Bottom 0
94 R30 72.39 93.98 Bottom 0
95 R31 59.69 96.52 Bottom 180
96 R32 59.69 93.98 Bottom 180
97 R33 72.39 81.28 Bottom 0
98 R34 72.39 78.74 Bottom 0
99 R35 59.69 81.28 Bottom 180
100 R36 59.69 78.74 Bottom 180
101 R37 35.56 16.51 Bottom 180
102 R38 72.39 91.44 Bottom 180
103 R39 72.39 76.20 Bottom 180
104 R40 29.21 16.51 Bottom 180
105 R41 59.69 91.44 Bottom 0
106 R42 59.69 76.20 Bottom 0
107 R43 21.59 83.82 Bottom 0
108 R44 21.59 81.28 Bottom 180
109 R45 6.35 83.82 Bottom 0
110 R46 6.35 81.28 Bottom 0
111 R47 72.39 88.90 Bottom 0
112 R48 72.39 73.66 Bottom 0
113 R49 21.59 78.74 Bottom 180
114 R50 6.35 78.74 Bottom 180
115 R51 59.69 88.90 Bottom 180
116 R52 59.69 73.66 Bottom 0
117 R53 21.59 86.36 Bottom 0
118 R54 6.35 86.36 Bottom 180
119 R55 45.72 66.04 Bottom 0
120 R56 45.72 63.50 Bottom 0
121 R57 33.02 63.50 Bottom 180
122 R58 33.02 60.96 Bottom 180
123 R59 45.72 50.80 Bottom 0
124 R60 45.72 48.26 Bottom 0
125 R61 33.02 48.26 Bottom 180
126 R62 33.02 45.72 Bottom 180
127 R63 29.21 15.24 Bottom 0
128 R64 35.56 15.24 Bottom 0
129 R65 45.72 60.96 Bottom 0
130 R66 33.02 58.42 Bottom 0
131 R67 45.72 45.72 Bottom 0
132 R68 33.02 43.18 Bottom 0
133 R69 39.37 26.67 Bottom 180
134 R70 39.37 24.13 Bottom 180
135 R71 52.07 26.67 Bottom 0
136 R72 52.07 24.13 Bottom 0
137 R73 39.37 21.59 Bottom 180
138 R74 52.07 21.59 Bottom 0
139 R75 29.21 5.08 Bottom 0
140 R76 33.02 5.08 Bottom 0
141 R77 72.39 66.04 Bottom 0
142 R78 72.39 63.50 Bottom 0
143 R79 59.69 66.04 Bottom 180
144 R80 59.69 63.50 Bottom 180
145 R81 72.39 50.80 Bottom 0
146 R82 72.39 48.26 Bottom 0
147 R83 59.69 50.80 Bottom 180
148 R84 59.69 48.26 Bottom 180
149 R85 72.39 60.96 Bottom 180
150 R86 72.39 45.72 Bottom 180
151 R87 59.69 60.96 Bottom 0
152 R88 59.69 45.72 Bottom 0
153 R89 72.39 58.42 Bottom 0
154 R90 72.39 43.18 Bottom 0
155 R91 59.69 58.42 Bottom 0
156 R92 59.69 43.18 Bottom 0
157 R93 11.43 26.67 Bottom 270
158 R94 2.54 64.77 Bottom 180
159 R95 2.54 67.31 Bottom 180
160 R96 21.59 73.66 Bottom 0
161 R97 6.35 71.12 Bottom 0
162 R98 21.59 63.50 Bottom 180
163 R99 21.59 53.34 Bottom 0
164 R100 21.59 60.96 Bottom 180
165 R101 21.59 50.80 Bottom 0
166 R102 6.35 63.50 Bottom 0
167 R103 6.35 53.34 Bottom 0
168 R104 6.35 60.96 Bottom 180
169 R105 6.35 50.80 Bottom 180
170 R106 52.07 3.81 Bottom 0
171 R107 45.72 3.81 Bottom 0
172 R108 39.37 3.81 Bottom 0
173 U1 39.37 92.71 Bottom 270
174 U2 39.37 77.47 Bottom 270
175 U3 45.72 12.70 Bottom 90
176 U4 33.02 21.59 Bottom 0
177 U5 53.34 91.44 Bottom 270
178 U6 53.34 76.20 Bottom 270
179 U7 39.37 62.23 Bottom 270
180 U8 39.37 46.99 Bottom 270
181 U9 33.02 10.16 Bottom 0
182 U10 45.72 24.13 Bottom 90
183 U11 53.34 60.96 Bottom 270
184 U12 53.34 45.72 Bottom 270
185 U13 19.05 19.05 Bottom 315
186 U14 52.07 6.35 Bottom 270
187 U15 45.72 6.35 Bottom 90
188 U16 39.37 6.35 Bottom 90