This commit is contained in:
Jan-Henrik 2019-08-08 12:26:39 +02:00
parent e33e1580f9
commit 6bbc330593
17 changed files with 254232 additions and 14122 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
# Created by Ultra Librarian Gold 8.3.134 Copyright © 1999-2018
# Frank Frank, Accelerated Designs
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Wire 6 (126 -44) (126 -32);
Wire 6 (126 -32) (88 -32);
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Wire 6 (126 19) (88 19);
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Wire 6 (126 44) (88 44);
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
# Created by Ultra Librarian Gold 8.3.134 Copyright © 1999-2018
# Frank Frank, Accelerated Designs
Grid mil;
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Wire 6 (126 -70) (126 -58);
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Wire 6 (126 -32) (88 -32);
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Wire 6 (126 -19) (126 -7);
Wire 6 (126 -7) (88 -7);
Wire 6 (88 19) (88 7);
Wire 6 (88 7) (126 7);
Wire 6 (126 7) (126 19);
Wire 6 (126 19) (88 19);
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Wire 6 (88 32) (126 32);
Wire 6 (126 32) (126 44);
Wire 6 (126 44) (88 44);
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Wire 6 (88 58) (126 58);
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Wire 6 (126 70) (88 70);
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Wire 6 (126 84) (126 96);
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Wire 6 (88 -100) (88 100);
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Wire 6 (150 -107) (98 -107);
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Wire 6 (126 -7) (88 -7);
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Wire 6 (126 19) (88 19);
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Wire 6 (-126 -7) (-126 -19);
Wire 6 (-126 -19) (-88 -19);
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Wire 6 (126 -58) (88 -58);
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Wire 6 (126 -32) (88 -32);
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Wire 6 (126 -7) (88 -7);
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Wire 6 (126 19) (88 19);
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Wire 6 (126 32) (126 44);
Wire 6 (126 44) (88 44);
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Wire 6 (126 58) (126 70);
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Wire 6 (126 96) (88 96);
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Wire 6 (88 -100) (88 100);
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Wire 6 (-88 100) (-88 -100);
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Wire 6 (136 100) (92 100);
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Wire 6 (136 -100) (92 -100);
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Wire 6 (-92 -104) (-92 -100);
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Layer 25;
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Wire 6 (300 300) (300 -1400);
Wire 6 (300 -1400) (1500 -1400);
Wire 6 (1500 -1400) (1500 300);
Wire 6 (1500 300) (300 300);
Layer 97;
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Layer 96;
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Edit '';
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Package 'RU_16-M' 'RU_16-M';
Technology '';
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Package 'RU_16-L' 'RU_16-L';
Technology '';
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
# Created by Ultra Librarian Gold 8.3.134 Copyright © 1999-2018
# Frank Frank, Accelerated Designs
Grid mil;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 51;
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Wire 6 (-102 46) (-101 31);
Wire 6 (-101 31) (-63 31);
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Wire 6 (-63 20) (-102 20);
Wire 6 (-102 20) (-101 5);
Wire 6 (-101 5) (-63 5);
Wire 6 (-63 -20) (-63 -5);
Wire 6 (-63 -5) (-101 -5);
Wire 6 (-101 -5) (-101 -20);
Wire 6 (-101 -20) (-63 -20);
Wire 6 (-63 -46) (-63 -31);
Wire 6 (-63 -31) (-101 -31);
Wire 6 (-101 -31) (-101 -46);
Wire 6 (-101 -46) (-63 -46);
Wire 6 (63 -31) (63 -46);
Wire 6 (63 -46) (102 -46);
Wire 6 (102 -46) (101 -31);
Wire 6 (101 -31) (63 -31);
Wire 6 (63 -5) (63 -20);
Wire 6 (63 -20) (102 -20);
Wire 6 (102 -20) (101 -5);
Wire 6 (101 -5) (63 -5);
Wire 6 (63 20) (63 5);
Wire 6 (63 5) (101 5);
Wire 6 (101 5) (101 20);
Wire 6 (101 20) (63 20);
Wire 6 (63 46) (63 31);
Wire 6 (63 31) (101 31);
Wire 6 (101 31) (101 46);
Wire 6 (101 46) (63 46);
Wire 6 (-63 -63) (63 -63);
Wire 6 (63 -63) (63 63);
Wire 6 (63 63) (-63 63);
Wire 6 (-63 63) (-63 -63);
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Wire 6 (126 57) (73 57);
Wire 6 (126 57) (126 -57);
Wire 6 (126 -57) (73 -57);
Wire 6 (73 -57) (73 -73);
Wire 6 (73 -73) (-73 -73);
Wire 6 (-73 -73) (-73 -57);
Wire 6 (-126 -57) (-73 -57);
Layer 39;
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Layer 21;
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Wire 6 (68 -68) (68 -60);
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Wire 6 (-68 -60) (-68 -68);
Wire 6 (68 60) (68 68);
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Text '*' SR0 (-113 50);
Layer 23;
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Layer 27;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
Smd '8' 82 19 -0 R0 (82.5 38.3858);
Layer 51;
Wire 6 (-63 31) (-63 46);
Wire 6 (-63 46) (-102 46);
Wire 6 (-102 46) (-101 31);
Wire 6 (-101 31) (-63 31);
Wire 6 (-63 5) (-63 20);
Wire 6 (-63 20) (-102 20);
Wire 6 (-102 20) (-101 5);
Wire 6 (-101 5) (-63 5);
Wire 6 (-63 -20) (-63 -5);
Wire 6 (-63 -5) (-101 -5);
Wire 6 (-101 -5) (-101 -20);
Wire 6 (-101 -20) (-63 -20);
Wire 6 (-63 -46) (-63 -31);
Wire 6 (-63 -31) (-101 -31);
Wire 6 (-101 -31) (-101 -46);
Wire 6 (-101 -46) (-63 -46);
Wire 6 (63 -31) (63 -46);
Wire 6 (63 -46) (102 -46);
Wire 6 (102 -46) (101 -31);
Wire 6 (101 -31) (63 -31);
Wire 6 (63 -5) (63 -20);
Wire 6 (63 -20) (102 -20);
Wire 6 (102 -20) (101 -5);
Wire 6 (101 -5) (63 -5);
Wire 6 (63 20) (63 5);
Wire 6 (63 5) (101 5);
Wire 6 (101 5) (101 20);
Wire 6 (101 20) (63 20);
Wire 6 (63 46) (63 31);
Wire 6 (63 31) (101 31);
Wire 6 (101 31) (101 46);
Wire 6 (101 46) (63 46);
Wire 6 (-63 -63) (63 -63);
Wire 6 (63 -63) (63 63);
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Wire 6 (-63 63) (-63 -63);
Wire 6 (12 63) -180 (-12 63);
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Change Ratio 6;
Text '*' SR0 (-71 10);
Layer 39;
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Wire 6 (83 83) (83 68);
Wire 6 (144 68) (83 68);
Wire 6 (144 68) (144 -68);
Wire 6 (144 -68) (83 -68);
Wire 6 (83 -68) (83 -83);
Wire 6 (83 -83) (-83 -83);
Wire 6 (-83 -83) (-83 -68);
Wire 6 (-144 -68) (-83 -68);
Layer 39;
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Change Pour solid;
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(-83 -83) (-83 -67.8858) (-143.5 -67.8858);
Layer 21;
Wire 6 (-68 -68) (68 -68);
Wire 6 (68 -68) (68 -61);
Wire 6 (68 68) (-68 68);
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Wire 6 (-68 -61) (-68 -68);
Wire 6 (68 61) (68 68);
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Text '>Name' SR0 (-129 -25);
Layer 27;
Edit 'RM_8-L.pac';
Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
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Layer 1;
Smd '8' 58 15 -0 R0 (78.5 38.3858);
Layer 51;
Wire 6 (-63 31) (-63 46);
Wire 6 (-63 46) (-102 46);
Wire 6 (-102 46) (-101 31);
Wire 6 (-101 31) (-63 31);
Wire 6 (-63 5) (-63 20);
Wire 6 (-63 20) (-102 20);
Wire 6 (-102 20) (-101 5);
Wire 6 (-101 5) (-63 5);
Wire 6 (-63 -20) (-63 -5);
Wire 6 (-63 -5) (-101 -5);
Wire 6 (-101 -5) (-101 -20);
Wire 6 (-101 -20) (-63 -20);
Wire 6 (-63 -46) (-63 -31);
Wire 6 (-63 -31) (-101 -31);
Wire 6 (-101 -31) (-101 -46);
Wire 6 (-101 -46) (-63 -46);
Wire 6 (63 -31) (63 -46);
Wire 6 (63 -46) (102 -46);
Wire 6 (102 -46) (101 -31);
Wire 6 (101 -31) (63 -31);
Wire 6 (63 -5) (63 -20);
Wire 6 (63 -20) (102 -20);
Wire 6 (102 -20) (101 -5);
Wire 6 (101 -5) (63 -5);
Wire 6 (63 20) (63 5);
Wire 6 (63 5) (101 5);
Wire 6 (101 5) (101 20);
Wire 6 (101 20) (63 20);
Wire 6 (63 46) (63 31);
Wire 6 (63 31) (101 31);
Wire 6 (101 31) (101 46);
Wire 6 (101 46) (63 46);
Wire 6 (-63 -63) (63 -63);
Wire 6 (63 -63) (63 63);
Wire 6 (63 63) (-63 63);
Wire 6 (-63 63) (-63 -63);
Wire 6 (12 63) -180 (-12 63);
Change Size 50;
Change Ratio 6;
Text '*' SR0 (-71 10);
Layer 39;
Wire 6 (-112 -50) (-112 50);
Wire 6 (-112 50) (-67 50);
Wire 6 (-67 50) (-67 67);
Wire 6 (-67 67) (67 67);
Wire 6 (67 67) (67 50);
Wire 6 (112 50) (67 50);
Wire 6 (112 50) (112 -50);
Wire 6 (112 -50) (67 -50);
Wire 6 (67 -50) (67 -67);
Wire 6 (67 -67) (-67 -67);
Wire 6 (-67 -67) (-67 -50);
Wire 6 (-112 -50) (-67 -50);
Layer 39;
Change Spacing 50;
Change Pour solid;
Polygon 6 (-111.5 -49.8858) (-111.5 49.8858) (-67 49.8858) (-67 67) (67 67) \
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(-67 -67) (-67 -49.8858) (-111.5 -49.8858);
Layer 21;
Wire 6 (-68 -68) (68 -68);
Wire 6 (68 -68) (68 -59);
Wire 6 (68 68) (-68 68);
Wire 6 (-68 68) (-68 59);
Wire 6 (-68 -59) (-68 -68);
Wire 6 (68 59) (68 68);
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Change Ratio 6;
Text '*' SR0 (-111 48);
Layer 23;
Wire 6 (-10 0) (10 0);
Wire 6 (0 -10) (0 10);
Layer 25;
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Change Ratio 6;
Text '>Name' SR0 (-129 -25);
Layer 27;
Edit 'ADR435ARMZ.sym';
Layer 94;
Pin 'COMP' Pas None Middle R0 Both 0 (100 0)
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Pin 'NC' Pas None Middle R0 Both 0 (100 -400)
Pin 'VOUT' Pas None Middle R180 Both 0 (1500 100)
Pin 'TP' Pas None Middle R180 Both 0 (1500 -300)
Pin 'GND' Pas None Middle R180 Both 0 (1500 -600)
Wire 6 (300 300) (300 -800);
Wire 6 (300 -800) (1300 -800);
Wire 6 (1300 -800) (1300 300);
Wire 6 (1300 300) (300 300);
Layer 97;
Layer 95;
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Change Ratio 6;
Text '>Name' SR0 (614 459);
Layer 96;
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Change Ratio 6;
Text '>Value' SR0 (589 359);

View file

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View file

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Created by</description>
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

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hardware_design/pure_midi.dxf Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
C1 6.46 73.56 90 22p C0603
C2 15.64 73.76 270 22p C0603
C3 63.50 77.47 0 22u 153CLV-0505
C4 42.42 69.60 90 22u 153CLV-0505
C5 74.17 87.63 0 22u 153CLV-0505
C6 65.53 87.63 0 22u 153CLV-0505
C7 13.97 48.01 180 22p C0603
C8 14.22 38.86 0 22p C0603
C9 33.02 77.22 180 100n C0603
C10 33.02 90.42 180 100n C0603
C11 25.65 53.72 0 100n C0603
C12 25.91 63.50 0 100n C0603
C13 25.65 51.50 180 100n C0603
C14 11.18 77.72 0 100n C0603
C15 6.60 86.36 270 100n C0603
C16 4.83 37.85 0 100n C0603
C17 19.05 43.18 90 100n C0603
C21 4.06 49.28 0 100n C0603
C23 14.73 90.93 0 100n C0603
C24 19.30 79.76 180 100n C0603
C25 15.24 77.72 0 100n C0603
C26 25.40 40.13 0 100n C0603
D1 16.26 58.80 90 1N4148 SOD-323F
D2 61.98 62.74 180 1N4001 SMADIODE
D3 50.93 62.74 0 1N4001 SMADIODE
IC1 72.90 94.81 90 LD117AS50TR SOT223
IC2 32.89 83.19 270 74HCT125D SO14
IC3 9.53 58.80 0 6N138SMD SO8-GW300
IC4 33.02 70.10 270 74HCT125D SO14
IC5 13.21 84.33 0 STM32F10XCXT6 TQFP48
IC6 61.34 94.74 270 LD117AS33TR SOT223
R1 35.05 43.18 0 1k R0603
R2 31.75 58.93 90 4k7 R0603
R3 31.50 41.66 270 4k7 R0603
R4 46.23 43.31 0 1k R0603
R5 57.40 43.43 0 1k R0603
R6 68.58 43.56 0 1k R0603
R7 69.09 82.42 0 1k R0603
R8 68.58 68.58 0 1k R0603
R9 30.48 16.38 0 51R R0603
R10 20.32 16.51 0 51R R0603
R11 16.26 54.86 90 220R R0603
R12 2.29 58.42 90 470R R0603
R13 23.37 32.89 0 22R R0603
R14 23.88 25.27 0 22R R0603
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R16 53.47 79.38 90 10k R0603
R17 2.29 61.98 270 1k R0603
R18 25.91 72.14 0 2k R0603
R19 20.83 72.14 0 2k R0603
R20 23.88 23.37 180 1k5 R0603
R21 7.11 77.72 0 10k R0603
R26 3.81 27.69 0 33R R0603
R27 3.81 31.50 0 33R R0603
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X6 14.10 43.82 90 ABRACON_ABM3B-12.000MHZ-B2-TABRACON_ABM3B-12.000MHZ-B2-T_0_0 ABRACON_ABM3B-12.000MHZ-B2-T_0
X7 11.18 73.66 180 ABRACON_ABM3B-8.000MHZ-B2-TABRACON_ABM3B-8.000MHZ-B2-T_0_0 ABRACON_ABM3B-8.000MHZ-B2-T_0

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