Circuit: * C:\Users\jhbru\Documents\GitHub\eurorack\stereo_mix\simulation\panner.asc WARNING: Less than two connections to node NC_01. This node is used by Q:U4:N11. WARNING: Less than two connections to node NC_03. This node is used by Q:U1:N11. WARNING: Less than two connections to node NC_06. This node is used by Q:U9:N11. WARNING: Less than two connections to node NC_09. This node is used by Q:U12:N11. Early termination of direct N-R iteration. Direct Newton iteration failed to find .op point. (Use ".option noopiter" to skip.) Starting Gmin stepping Gmin = 10 vernier = 0.5 vernier = 0.25 vernier = 0.125 Gmin = 5.49741 vernier = 0.0625 vernier = 0.03125 vernier = 0.015625 vernier = 0.0078125 Gmin = 5.51716 vernier = 0.00390625 vernier = 0.00195313 vernier = 0.000976563 vernier = 0.000488281 Gmin = 5.50104 Gmin = 0 Gmin stepping failed Starting source stepping with srcstepmethod=0 Source Step = 3.0303% Source stepping aborted. Starting source stepping with srcstepmethod=1 Source Step = 3.0303% vernier = 0.25 Source Step = 3.97727% Source Step = 4.1933% Source Step = 4.22289% Source Step = 4.25249% Source Step = 4.28208% Source Step = 4.31167% vernier = 0.00146484 Source Step = 4.34422% Source Step = 4.38861% Source Step = 4.433% Source Step = 4.47739% Source Step = 4.52178% vernier = 0.00219727 Source Step = 4.56839% Source Step = 4.63497% Source Step = 4.70156% Source Step = 4.76814% Source Step = 4.83472% Source Step = 4.90131% vernier = 0.0032959 Source Step = 5.00118% Source Step = 5.10106% Source Step = 5.20094% Source Step = 5.30081% Source Step = 5.40069% vernier = 0.00494385 Source Step = 5.54551% Source Step = 5.69532% Source Step = 5.84513% Source stepping aborted. Pseudo Transient succeeded in finding the operating point at 69.1847 s. Date: Thu Aug 29 10:34:47 2019 Total elapsed time: 82.496 seconds. tnom = 27 temp = 27 method = modified trap totiter = 48866 traniter = 38440 tranpoints = 17891 accept = 11513 rejected = 6541 matrix size = 406 fillins = 10687 solver = Normal Thread vector: 132.1/101.2[4] 51.9/34.0[4] 66.2/33.2[4] 18.7/14.8[3] 2592/500 Matrix Compiler1: 4.54 MB object code size 1167.2/746.6/[585.5] Matrix Compiler2: 223.05 KB object code size 123.6/101.2/[48.9]