Circuit: * Z:\home\jhbruhn\eurorack\eurorack-dev-environment\eurorack-modules\stereo_mix\hardware_design\pcb\simulation\digital_tests.asc Early termination of direct N-R iteration. Direct Newton iteration failed to find .op point. (Use ".option noopiter" to skip.) Starting Gmin stepping Gmin = 10 vernier = 0.5 vernier = 0.25 vernier = 0.125 Gmin = 5.5165 vernier = 0.0625 vernier = 0.03125 vernier = 0.015625 vernier = 0.0078125 Gmin = 5.49501 vernier = 0.00390625 vernier = 0.00195313 vernier = 0.000976563 vernier = 0.000488281 Gmin = 5.50104 Gmin = 0 Gmin stepping failed Starting source stepping with srcstepmethod=0 Source Step = 3.0303% Source Step = 9.84848% Source Step = 17.4242% Source Step = 25% Source Step = 32.5758% Source Step = 40.1515% vernier = 0.375 Source Step = 50.7576% Source Step = 62.1212% Source Step = 73.4848% Source Step = 84.8485% Source Step = 96.2121% vernier = 0.5625 Source stepping succeeded in finding the operating point. .step x=100 .step x=1100 .step x=2100 .step x=3100 .step x=4100 .step x=5100 .step x=6100 .step x=7100 .step x=8100 .step x=9100 .step x=10100 .step x=11100 .step x=12100 .step x=13100 .step x=14100 .step x=15100 .step x=16100 .step x=17100 .step x=18100 .step x=19100 .step x=20100 .step x=21100 .step x=22100 .step x=23100 .step x=24100 .step x=25100 .step x=26100 .step x=27100 .step x=28100 .step x=29100 .step x=30100 .step x=31100 .step x=32100 .step x=33100 .step x=34100 .step x=35100 .step x=36100 .step x=37100 .step x=38100 .step x=39100 .step x=40100 .step x=41100 .step x=42100 .step x=43100 .step x=44100 .step x=45100 .step x=46100 .step x=47100 .step x=48100 .step x=49100 .step x=50100 .step x=51100 .step x=52100 .step x=53100 .step x=54100 .step x=55100 .step x=56100 .step x=57100 .step x=58100 .step x=59100 .step x=60100 .step x=61100 .step x=62100 .step x=63100 .step x=64100 .step x=65100 .step x=66100 .step x=67100 .step x=68100 .step x=69100 .step x=70100 .step x=71100 .step x=72100 .step x=73100 .step x=74100 .step x=75100 .step x=76100 .step x=77100 .step x=78100 .step x=79100 .step x=80100 .step x=81100 .step x=82100 .step x=83100 .step x=84100 .step x=85100 .step x=86100 .step x=87100 .step x=88100 .step x=89100 .step x=90100 .step x=91100 .step x=92100 .step x=93100 .step x=94100 .step x=95100 .step x=96100 .step x=97100 .step x=98100 .step x=99100 .step x=99900 Date: Thu Dec 05 21:47:55 2019 Total elapsed time: 43.862 seconds. tnom = 27 temp = 27 method = modified trap totiter = 8318 traniter = 5030 tranpoints = 2376 accept = 1996 rejected = 380 matrix size = 72 fillins = 224 solver = Normal Matrix Compiler1: 18.84 KB object code size 5.1/2.7/[1.4] Matrix Compiler2: 10.08 KB object code size 2.1/2.8/[0.9]