FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM rust:1.75 as cross ARG TARGETARCH COPY docker/ . RUN ./ # should write /.platform and /.compiler RUN rustup target add $(cat /.platform) RUN apt update && apt-get install -y unzip $(cat /.compiler) WORKDIR /appsrc ADD . ./ RUN cargo build --release --target $(cat /.platform) RUN cp ./target/$(cat /.platform)/release/jellyfin-radio /jellyfin-radio.bin # Get rid of this when build --out is stable FROM debian:bookworm-slim ARG APP=/usr/src/app RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y ca-certificates tzdata \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* EXPOSE 3000 ENV TZ=Etc/UTC \ APP_USER=appuser RUN groupadd $APP_USER \ && useradd -g $APP_USER $APP_USER \ && mkdir -p ${APP} COPY --from=cross /jellyfin-radio.bin ${APP}/jellyfin-radio RUN chown -R $APP_USER:$APP_USER ${APP} USER $APP_USER WORKDIR ${APP} CMD ["./jellyfin-radio"]